If you have root-level access to a server, it indicates that you will have full control of it. In other words, you'll be able install any server-side application regardless of the changes that it'll make to the software setting on the server, and you'll be able to both access and customize any file, which includes system files, and change any settings. This can be done by connecting to the server as a root user which has full privileges to perform the aforementioned things and also to make other users, which includes users that also have full privileges. This particular can be established using a web-based graphical interface or a Secure Shell console. For safety reasons, it's recommended that you create another user for your daily work and use the root user only when you need to modify the server or to install software which may be needed by a script-driven app that you'd like to run.

Full Root-level Access in VPS Servers

If you buy a VPS servers from us, you'll have full root-level access in three cases - if the server includes no web hosting Control Panel at all, or in case you select cPanel or DirectAdmin throughout the order process. In the first case, you will be able to modify each part of the system through a Secure Shell console, while in the second, you will still be able to use SSH in order to connect and to make adjustments, yet you will also have a graphical interface accessible to take care of your online content and most of the system settings. The root access makes our virtual server packages a very good choice if you want to run any software which you can't install in a regular shared hosting account. With the last Control Panel option - Hepsia, you'll be able to connect through SSH and to control the content on your server, however, the root access privileges are more restricted.

Full Root-level Access in Dedicated Servers

If you get one of the dedicated web hosting plans which we offer, you will have full root-level access and you can do anything that you are unable to do with a shared hosting account - to update the server-side PHP settings, to set up frameworks or media streaming software, and many others. You can order the server without website hosting Control Panel and do everything using a console, unless you set up some third-party tool, or you can order it with cPanel or DirectAdmin and use a web-based graphical interface to manage your web sites and many system settings. In all three cases, you'll have full control over your server. The considerable amount of resources which you will have makes our dedicated packages the best choice for any kind of content that you wish to have. The servers that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel are much easier to control, however the root access to such a server will be restricted.