If you have purchased a web hosting package and you have certain inquiries concerning a particular feature/function, or if you have come across some obstacle and you need help, you should be able to get in touch with the respective customer support staff. All web hosting providers deploy a ticketing system no matter if they offer other ways of contacting them apart from it or not, since the easiest way to fix an issue most often is to use a ticket. This type of communication makes the responses sent by both parties easy to follow and enables the customer service technicians to escalate the problem if, for instance, a system administrator needs to interfere. In the general case, the ticketing system is part of the billing account and is not directly linked to the hosting space, which suggests that you must have at least two separate accounts to get in touch with the help desk team and to actually administer the hosting space. Non-stop switching from one account to the other could be a bore, not to mention the fact that it requires quite a lot of time for most web hosting providers to answer the tickets themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting

With a shared web hosting from our company, you will never have to leave your account. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire online presence. You can quickly access any support ticket whilst browsing through your website files or updating various account settings. The ticketing system is being closely monitored 24x7x365 by our customer support staff and the response time is maximum sixty minutes, but it rarely takes more than twenty minutes to obtain assistance. Unlike some web hosting providers, we don’t charge extra for using the ticketing system, so you can touch base with us as often as you want and request information with regard to any billing or technical problem. Plus, you can read a number of articles, which will help you fix the commonest problems yourself.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have opened a semi-dedicated server account with us and you’d like to contact our help desk support team representatives, you will be able to post a ticket directly from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of using a completely different customer support platform like you’ll have to do with most web hosting companies on the marketplace. Our integrated trouble ticket system will allow you to send a new ticket without any hassle and to go through older tickets using a smart search box. You will also be able to take a look at the relevant knowledge base articles that our system will present to you depending on the category that you select for your new ticket. You can perform all of the above-mentioned operations without leaving your Control Panel at any moment, which means that in case you confront any problem or have a question, you can contact our technicians and resolve the issue at hand in no more than sixty minutes using one support platform.