Zend Optimizer is a popular software, that is required to run files encrypted with Zend Guard. The second encodes files created in PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 in order to protect them from reverse engineering and illegal usage, thus guarding copyrighted source code. When you need to protect your custom script, for instance, you are able to employ Zend Guard and your code won't be human readable, but you will also need Zend Optimizer on the server where you host your blog. A lot of pre-made script-driven apps, especially ones that are paid, also require Zend Optimizer in order to operate effectively since their core code is ordinarily not free to modify. Sites that use the tool are normally speedier since their code is already optimized and precompiled.

Zend Optimizer in Shared Web Hosting

Zend Optimizer is set up on all servers which are part of our innovative cloud website hosting platform. No matter which shared web hosting plan you acquire, you will be able to use the tool to guarantee that any script app that requires it will operate properly in your account. By using a convenient software tool in the Advanced section of the Hepsia Control Panel which comes with all of the website hosting accounts, you can activate and deactivate many different options with just a single button. Zend Optimizer will be one of them, so even if this happens to be your first website hosting account ever, you won't experience any troubles. In the same area you can also pick the PHP version for your account - 4 and numerous versions of 5, thus whenever you change to one that you haven't used yet, you can activate Zend Optimizer for it with just a click. Since our platform enables you to work with multiple PHP releases at once, more experienced users can enable the instrument for an individual website with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.

Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Servers

We have installed Zend Optimizer on all the servers that are part of our innovative cloud web hosting platform and considering that all semi-dedicated server accounts are created on it, you can activate and use Zend for any script application that you'd like to use with no more than a click. You can also select the PHP version which will be active for your account, therefore if you move to some other version, you only have to go to the Advanced part of your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and click on the On button for Zend Optimizer - it is as simple as that. If you change the version back, Zend will already be active. More experienced users will also have the opportunity to set the PHP version and to activate Zend Optimizer only for a single website by placing a php.ini file with the needed code in the corresponding domain folder.