Increased CPU quotas

More power for your web applications and web sites

Worldwide Hosting’s semi-dedicated plans supply you with a greater portion of the primary server's CPU as compared with typical shared hosting accounts where you share this critical server resource with a large number of people. This will certainly release considerably more operating power for your resource-consuming web sites that must accept a greater number of site visitors. Furthermore, this will likely minimize any probable service disruptions that could happen if you exceed the reduced CPU quotas on a common hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Web Control Panel

All the handy site settings that you could require in one place

Control your sites with a single click of the mouse making use of our in–house configured user–friendly Apps. It includes a drag & drop File Manager, an all–embracing Domains Manager for all of your domains (you might change your WHOIS data and NS records, lock/unlock and mask your domains, enable custom DNS settings, and much more), an effective Mail Manager (you can forward your e–mails, activate antispam defense and SPF (anti–spoofing) protection, create autoresponders and email filtration, etc), a Databases Manager for dealing with many different MySQL/PgSQL databases, an accurate statistics interface as well as various innovative tools.

Web Control Panel

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

Worldwide Hosting is partnering with a top-class data center facility found in downtown Chicago, Illinois. It offers all the conditions that we want to deploy our unique internal network with its specialized hardware setup. The data center has also an outstanding service staff working 24x7 to monitor the web server network and supply prompt guidance in crucial situations.

Also, it is worth noting that the data center in the USA boasts fantastic network connectivity with the entire world. This warranties high website loading speeds for all sites and apps working on our US semi-dedicated plans.

USA Data Center

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables effortlessly

If your shared hosting account cannot handle the CPU and MySQL use of your web site, migrating to a semi-dedicated plan could be the most suitable choice for you. You’ll have larger CPU utilization and MySQL queries amounts for your web sites to avail of.

Additionally, with increased MySQL queries available, you can have considerably more customers working with your web apps or database-driven sites at the same time.

Increased MySQL queries

NVMe Drives

Your Internet site will be a lot quicker with NVMes

All contemprorary desktop computers and laptops feature NVMe drives and for a reason. NVMe drives provide you with a lot faster reading/writing connections, making all process so much faster. The same will relate to your website if you transfer it over to us. All of our semi-dedicated plans are equipped with NVMe drives and the sites accommodated with us function speedier as compared to those working on typical computer drives.

And the good thing is that you won’t really need to transform or fine–tune anything at all in order to make it perform a lot quicker.

NVMe Drives

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Twice safeguarded semi-dedicated servers

By organizing software packages, e–mail messages and data bases on multiple physical devices as opposed to only 1, we have assured much more protected website hosting area for your worldwide web presence. Additionally, we have lessened the web servers’ vulnerability to hacking/DDoS issues that could break down the entire server on a regular shared web hosting platform.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Faster Performance

Get the very best performance speeds for your sites

Extremely fast functioning is among the key advantages of our semi-dedicated plans. We have managed to improve the networking data transfer to ten Gbits for significantly better connectivity and a lot faster site streaming data transfer speeds, to provide additional servers that shorten server repairs and maintenance actions and limit service disorders and downtimes, and to move customer profiles to NVMes, which feature a lot quicker data rendering connections and a a lot better endurance than ordinary Hard Disk Drives.

Faster Performance

Remote MySQL Access

Remote connections to your databases

In the event that you have got a database which you have to share over several web sites positioned on various physical machines and with various web hosting companies, you can make use of the Remote MySQL function. By using it, you are able to give access to your database to diverse web pages that you find trustworthy. This is especially useful should you have got a database of buyers that you will need to share between various online stores.

Remote MySQL Access