What is OpenCart?

If you would like to own web store made with minimal time and effort, then OpenCart certainly is the solution you’re looking for. You’ll possess heaps of features available right from the box. Aided by the user friendly OpenCart admin interface, you will have your online shop ready instantly.

With OpenCart, it is also possible to add an infinite quantity of goods, with an evaluation for every single one. The app supports a variety of currencies, with brand new ones being included with every new version. You will discover 20 distinct payment gateways supported, from PayPal to Klarna, additionally you will discover 8 shipment approaches available. And if you are looking for more, you can always grow the core functionality with one of the numerous totally free extensions that can be obtained for OpenCart.

OpenCart is a trademark of OpenCart Limited and is not affiliated with Worldwide Hosting.

OpenCart–Optimized Shared Web Hosting Plans Services

With Worldwide Hosting’s OpenCart shared web hosting plans solution, you can get your web shop released on the web instantly. Just go with OpenCart out of the app drop–down menu on the sign–up form and we will set up your OpenCart copy the instant we create your shared web hosting plans account. This should help you begin working on your e–shop shortly after the signup procedure is done.

Every single OpenCart–optimized hosting package is protected with a set of service guarantees that will make sure of the trouble–free functionality of your websites. Your OpenCart account is going to be set up without charge and is going to come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Also, if you aren’t pleased with the OpenCart shared web hosting plans service, you could make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

Our OpenCart–optimized shared web hosting plans plans are provided with an convenient–to–use Web Control Panel, that is exclusively developed by Worldwide Hosting. It is offered in over 10 languages and colors, meaning you can 100% personalize it the way you like. The Control Panel has an easy–to–use interface with a multitude of tools, which will grant you 100% power over your online store’s content.

While in the Control Panel there is also a drag–and–drop File Manager where your OpenCart files will be located, a Databases Manager for your own databases, in conjunction with a fully featured Mail Manager from which you can manage your e–mail interaction. Furthermore, we have implemented a detailed statistics tool, that can supply you with real–time info about your site traffic and resource consumption.